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Book Review: "The Heart Who Wanted to Find a Way"

 Feb. 3, 2025

"The Heart Who Wanted to Find a Way" by Beth Guckenberger (illustrated by Irina Mileo) 

This children's book follows the journey of a heart struggling with anxiety in new and unfamiliar situations. The heart goes through many emotions, and its enemy, the devil, tries to make things worse by filling the heart with more negative thoughts and feelings. 

Then, a caterpillar comes and teaches the heart four mantras: "I'm okay, I can pray, God made today, and He is the way." This helps the heart feel brave and gain confidence, and it's able to encourage the next anxious child. 

I appreciated the meaningful symbols used in the story. The heart represents the heart of a child when they feel unsure and scared. The caterpillar represents the Spirit of God, offering comfort and reminding us that we're okay, we can pray, God made today, and He is the way. 

I loved the illustrations—simple but deeply expressive. I also appreciate that the author lists encouraging scriptures at the end of the book that encourage rest and assurance in God's presence. 

A very quick and sweet read for any child. I highly recommend! 

My rating: 4.5/5 

'The Heart Who Wanted to Find a Way' is set to publish on March 4, 2025. I was gifted a copy by the publisher, David C Cook, in exchange for an honest review. 


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