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Book Review: ‘Now Over Next’ by Hope Reagan Harris

 Jan 26, 2025

‘Now Over Next: Conquering the Fear of Missing Out’ by Hope Reagan Harris

I recently finished 'Now Over Next', and man, did I resonate with the book more than any book I've ever read! I've never connected so much with an author. There's a handful to take away from this book, but here are the top takeaways that I'm carrying with me: 

  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a total life-drainer! It's that nagging voice that makes you think you'll miss out if you don't do X, Y, and Z. It's time to break free from FOMO's grip and join Team JOMO – Joy of Missing Out. 

  • Let go of the need to be everything to everyone. Stop saying yes when your gut is screaming no.  

  • There's more to life than climbing the corporate ladder. This hit me hard, because I've been there too - chasing recognition, high-end perks, and more. But at what cost? Major anxiety, feeling unfulfilled... been there, done that. (Glad that's behind me now!) 

I like how the author includes questions at the end of each chapter. One that really stood out to me was: "Do you struggle with what other people think? How so?" This used to be a huge one for me, and I think it is for most of us. I'm not 100% over that struggle, I'll admit, but I thank God for the Holy Spirit, who always encourages me and pulls me out of that mental spiral. 

Another thing I really liked about this book is the interviews with women who've been in similar situations. One quote from Jackie, an interviewee, really resonated with me: "We can either use the gifts He has given us to advance ourselves, or we can steward them to help others. Jesus used His gifts to serve others. He washed people’s feet. He sat with the poor. Like Jesus, we have a choice. We can live for ourselves, or we can use our gifts to serve others." Love this! 

Please get this book! It's worth the read. Save this post, set a reminder, and get it as soon as it's out. 

My rating: 4.5/5

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, David C Cook, in exchange for a review. 'Now Over Next' is set to publish on Feb. 4, 2025. 

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