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Graphic Book Review: 'Makeda: The Queen of Sheba'

 Nov. 10, 2021

'Makeda: The Queen of Sheba' is a gorgeous visual representation of the story behind Makeda, the Queen of Sheba. Just look at that beautiful cover!
Makeda must have been quite a character, having been mentioned in the Bible, Quran, and a handful of history books. The fact that she had been queen of an entire kingdom at a time when there had only been kings, speaks of her resilience and resolve. ⁣
The book mentions--and explores--the 9 Laws of Leadership Makeda practiced that pushed her to the next level of her life, where she was able to make a difference in the world. I'll make mention of 3 of them:⁣
1. Education (Practice your skills)⁣
2. Responsibility (Take ownership of the good and bad)⁣
3. Creativity (Think differently)⁣
I also found it impressive that the author wrote his Author's Note for this book on the same day Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first female POC vice president of the USA. That, for him, was a significant moment.⁣
This book of beautiful illustrations serves as a nice reminder to young black girls that they can be anything they want to be; with determination and grit, they can get to where they want to be.⁣
Thank you to Conscious Culture Publishing and Author Marlon McKenney @marlonmckenney for providing the advance copy via #Netgalley. I truly enjoyed reading it! ⁣
'Makeda: The Queen of Sheba' was published in Sept 2021 and is available for purchase.⁣

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