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Interview with Ashley Witcher, Author of 'Creating Bethel'

  Nov 1, 2020

I was privileged to invite Author 
Ashley Witcher for an interview to discuss her latest book Creating Bethel and the inspiration behind it. Enjoy!


What's your book about, and what inspired you to write it?

Creating Bethel is about becoming pure in heart and the process of dying to myself and embracing who God says that I am and what He says that I can do. I was inspired to write and share my journey because I felt strongly that there are others who have gone on a similar journey or in the middle of it now and they need to know that they are not alone and though the process may hurt and even seem to be long, they can make it through and be better than they thought.

Who is your target audience, and why do you think this book will appeal to them?

My target audience is mainly those who have been saved for a while and have accepted the call of God on their life. It will appeal to them because of the level of transparency that I share. I am not one who speaks as having arrived but as one who is a constant work in progress.

What message do you wish to pass across to your readers with this book?

I would like my readers to know that there is nothing you can do that will forfeit who God says that you are. What He began in you, He will finish, all you have to do is surrender.

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

The hardest thing was the level of transparency, the look into my deepest thoughts and feelings that were very personal to me. These are things that aren't apparent to the naked eye, but known only to me and God for the most part.

As a writer, is there anything you've learned about yourself while writing this book?

My transparency will help free someone else, so be bold and courageous. I discovered that I am more bold than I thought. I discovered that my 'yes' to God means more than my possible embarrassment.  

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books, and why?  

I love traditional paperbacks mostly. There's something about the feel of the paper between your fingers. I also like to sometimes underline, write little notes, and highlight in the book.

What is your niche genre, and if you were to write in a different genre, what would it be?

My  niche would be nonfiction, mainly Christian nonfiction and I'd love to write a fiction story one day. I actually have one that I've been working on for a few years.

What books and authors have most influenced you?

As a teenager, Eric Jerome Dickey and Toni Morrison. On the faith based side, I'd have to say John Eckhardt's books on deliverance and prayer, and "The Purpose and Power of Woman" by Dr. Myles Munroe.  

Is there anything you'd like readers to know about you?

I just want to encourage my readers to never give up on the vision that God gave you. You are who He called you to be... remember the 'yes' you gave Him and know that it's not too late to return to Him, no matter how bad you've messed up.

Do you have any more books in the works?

I actually do, I am working on a devotional book and a Christian fiction book.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

I most definitely do read my book reviews! I love to read them, good or not so good. I have been blessed to not receive any bad ones. The good ones encourage me to keep releasing what God puts in my heart. If I was to receive any bad ones, I would use them as an evaluating point to see how I can improve my writing.

How can readers get in touch with or follow you (website, personal blog, social media handle, Goodreads)?

Readers can follow me at or

On social media at:
Facebook: Author Ashley Smith Witcher & The Write Legacy
Instagram: @ashtolife @thewritelegacy
Twitter: @ashtolife1


Ashley Witcher is a two-time Amazon best selling author, wife, mother, the founder and CEO of The Write Legacy LLC, a faith-based book publishing company. She was inspired to one day become a published author at the age of 15, and that dream came into fruition at the age of 30. Since then, her love of writing, business and greater love for the word of God and the gospel birthed her publishing company in May 2018. Through her company, she has partnered with multiple authors to publish their books that inspire, encourage and empower others. In Ashley's free time, she enjoys cooking, gardening, traveling and assisting others in business ventures. She resides in Georgia with her husband and two sons.  


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