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Interview with Ben Schneider, Author of 'Chrome Mountain'

May 10, 2019

I was privileged to invite Ben Schneider for an interview with BooKecCenTric to discuss his latest book and the inspiration behind it. Enjoy!


Thank you @BenSchneider for your time today. What's your book about, and what inspired you to write it?
@BenSchneider: My book is about lawless bikers and high-tech terrorists hunting an odd couple for different reasons. My fondness of adventure, suspense, and humor inspired me to write it.

Who is your target audience, and why do you think this book will appeal to them?
@BenSchneider: Any audience with a preference for thrills, suspense, clean humor, and an unorthodox love story will appreciate this novel because at least one of these four traits is offered on every page.

What message do you wish to pass across to your readers with this book?
@BenSchneider: Life is always better and easier when you treat others well.

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?
@BenSchneider: Avoiding the over-use of certain words.

As a writer, is there anything you've learned about yourself while writing this book?
@BenSchneider: The more I write, the more I want to write again.

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books, and why?  
@BenSchneider: Paperbacks, because they do not require a battery.

What is your niche genre, and if you were to write in a different genre, what would it be?
@BenSchneider: My niche genre is Action-Suspense. Another genre I would like to try is High Fantasy.

What books and authors have most influenced you?
@BenSchneider: Nothing Lasts Forever, 58 Minutes, Sword of Truth Series, Conan novels, and Rambo novels. Authors I like include Terry Goodkind, Roderick Thorp, Randal Frakes, and Ann Marston.

Is there anything you'd like readers to know about you?
@BenSchneider: I'm in the Air Force, which has been a positive influence on my writing.

Do you have any more books in the works?
@BenSchneider: The North Factor - a Sequel to Chrome Mountain. Realm Journey (genre: high adventure - will be published soon this year)

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
@BenSchneider: Yes. Reviews help me learn my strengths and weaknesses, so I don't mind reading good or bad reviews.

What is your preferred method to have readers get in touch with or follow you (i.e., website, personal blog, Facebook page, Goodreads, etc.)?
@BenSchneider: Facebook


Ben Schneider was born in Oklahoma. In 2003, he earned a B.A. in Graphic Design at Oklahoma University, married his fiancĂ©e, and joined the Air Force. Ben and his wife, Suzy, have been stationed in Italy, Okinawa, and Alaska. Aside from writing fiction, Ben’s other interests include drawing his Airman Artless comic strips. Chrome Mountain is his debut novel.
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