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3 Simple Must-Dos for Self-Published Authors

So, you’re an author who's recently self-published a book and is ready to proceed to the next step. Well, what is the next step? First of all, congratulations on this great achievement! Publishing a book is never as easy as it may seem, so kudos to you!

Now, how do we get the word out there that your book is live and available? Well, you absolutely must make these three simple moves:

1. Build an online presence. (i) Create social media accounts if you haven't already - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and post photos of your book cover on these platforms. (ii) Find various Facebook groups to join (groups for authors, bloggers, book reviewers etc.). Post your book cover and synopsis on these groups so it shows up on all members' feeds. (iii) Create a Facebook Author fan page get as many likes on them as possible by either inviting people to join (organically), or paying Facebook to advertise your page (paid ad). Focus on building your presence as an author. (iv) Create a Goodreads Author account, and post your book details on there.

2. Seek book reviewers. The more people are talking about your book, the more hits you get to your book's store site (e.g. Amazon), and the more recognition you get as an author. Find reviewers or bloggers that read your genre and ask if they're willing to review your book. Some may ask for a fee, others may simply request a free book in exchange. Be prepared either way. 

3. Invest in paid promotion. Some authors will scoff or turn their faces away at this, but it's a vital truth you shouldn't run away from. As a self-published author, you're responsible for your book marketing, so you have to be ready to invest in some promotion strategies that require payment to successfully get your story out there. Again, find bloggers and influencers that will be willing to have your book on their sites either on a permanent basis or for a certain period of time. Imagine the thousands of eyeballs this promises to draw to your book, eyeballs belonging to loyal fans and followers of these influencers. If the bloggers are generous enough, they could even promote your book on their social media. Think about that for a sec. Yep, that's a thousand more eyeballs on your book. It's important to understand that if you, as an author, want people to invest in you and your book, you have to be willing to invest in yourself and your book as well, through active promotion/marketing strategies.

BooKecCenTric accepts books for reviews and also offers authors the chance to promote their books through various ways - Book features, Author Interviews, and Author Profile pages. While there's a free book review option, my main intent with this blog is to help authors get the word out there and have people understand what their message is about. Books are featured here permanently, and I also promote these books on my social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). 

You cannot go wrong with seeking bloggers to help promote your book. If you're serious about building your brand as an author, then you absolutely should not shy away from investing in your book. Change your thinking today and let's get your book out there! 

If you want to know more about how I can help you spread your message, take a look at the promotion options I have available for you, or simply send me a quick message and let me know what your promotion needs are. My goal is to see you SHINE ;)