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Enough Good News - A Review

Sidra Lyons has everything any woman could ever ask for: a great job as a lawyer, a wonderful relationship with the man of her dreams, and a supportive best friend. But then her father, with whom she’s had a shaky relationship for as long as she could remember, shows up and reveals he has another daughter with another woman (with whom he had an affair while still married to her mother). Sidney’s life thus takes a different toll as she embarks on a journey of discovery, hurt, betrayal and forgiveness.

Audrey McKay's Enough Good News is the story of a young woman’s journey as she juggles family issues, her love relationship, her Christian faith and the demands of her job. She receives a bombshell upon the revelation that she has a sister, whom she has never met, and who, coincidentally, looks almost exactly like she does. With the support of her brother, her boyfriend, her best friend and the reassurance of God’s love, Sidney is able to uncover life’s secrets and discover a lot more about living, loving, and forgiving.

Enough Good News is quite an enjoyable read; not only were the words simple yet captivating, but the character and plot development were also laced with scriptural words that aligned with the plot and were appropriately inserted as applicable.

Formatting and appropriateness aside, there were a lot of lessons and aha moments to go home with from this novel. McKay portrayed, with her words, that God always has a higher plan for His children. No matter how low you feel, or how wrong things may be going in your life, as long as you believe, and you’re continuously steadfast in prayer, meditation and in your faith, the blessings of the Lord will always shine through on His children, even if it does not come in the way or form that you’re expecting it to.

I encourage all book lovers of any genre to get a copy; it’s a truly inspirational one.

GENRE: Christian Romance/Inspirational
DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION: Bought for my reading pleasure