Alan T. Black

AUTHOR: Alan T. Black

SHORT BIO: I was raised and grew up in the United Methodist Church. While I do proudly embrace my background and personal history within the United Methodist Church, I do feel that ultimately what is important is not the denomination that you are a part of. What matters most is the relationship that you have with the Lord. Part and parcel to any relationship is the level of commitment that one makes to it. With any and all relationships they are going to take time to grow. Through the years if I were to describe my relationship with the Lord using one word it would be “transformation.” Continuing to grow daily in my walk with the Lord, and as well continue to display the fruits of his spirit daily is for me what my life is all about. Frankly for these times, my attitude and belief is that the world is looking at those who are Christians to see if in fact their talk does indeed match their walk. As for me, my goal is to on a daily basis be that individual who by virtue of their talk and their walk is by nature “peculiar.” If then by chance this way of living does indeed glorify the Lord, then my life indeed is destined to make a difference.


By Alan T. Black
Publication Year: 2017
Kindle Price: $5.99/Paperback: $15.99

The Lord has a calling and purpose for each of us. He isn't concerned about our status. He is interested in one primary thing. Are we willing to be available to answer his call. .When the Lord places a calling on your life, He also gives you the tools to perform the task that he has called you for. 

“Here I am Lord” is a book comprised of 35 essays written and posted as blog posts over a two year period. It is a refreshing alternative to conventional “daily devotion” ensembles, and is ideal for the Christian who likes to read without a specific schedule in mind. With captivating titles such as “Can You Hear Me Now”, “Identity Theft” and “The Magnificent Seven” the book promises to offer the reader many enjoyable and interesting moments of reading while drawing closer to the Lord. 



Thank you @AlanTBlack for giving us some of your time today. Let’s start off with a favourite question of mine – Why do you write? Does it energize or exhaust you?
AlanTBlack: In looking back, I have always been a writer in some shape, form or fashion.  I have found that in my journey across life, sometimes the most engaging manner of expression is in the written word. Writers are called to do so as a means of potentially impacting those that are around us and as well as to create  that desire in others to go deeper within their own selves.

What is your niche genre, and if you were to write in a different genre, what would it be?
AlanTBlack: At this junction in my life's journey, the niche that I am drawn to is Christian inspirational/motivational. I am continuing to explore deeper the aspect of being in a position of hopefully providing some measure of inspiration and/or motivation to others. If I were to write in another genre it would more than likely be something along the lines of history/philosophy.  

Do you try more to be original in your writing, or do you give your readers what they want?
AlanTBlack: I try to make it a point to be original. When I am writing, it is coming from the heart. My attitude is to write what I am feeling and my hope and prayer is that my readers will draw from what I have written what they feel speaks to them.  

What message do you wish to pass across with your book(s)?
AlanTBlack: My primary message is to highlight the importance of answering a call that we have. It is imperative that we as individuals are willing to embrace challenges that lie before us and in doing so we demonstrate that the fears and doubts that we may face are not enough to cause us to remain at a standstill.  

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?
AlanTBlack: The fear that I would not have enough material. I also had to overcome the misconception that my book would not be worthy if it wasn't up to 300 or 400 pages long.  

What have you learned about yourself while writing your latest book? 
AlanTBlack: I have learned to step out on faith and be obedient when it comes to answering God's call. This was a foray that truthfully was unexpected and during the journey I have found myself moving forward at times in spite of doubts about having the ability to fulfill the goal of writing and publishing a book.  

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
AlanTBlack: Yes I do read them. I appreciate the reviews that I have received up to this point. When a bad review does come, I will take in a manner which will reflect my intent to draw from it potential points of improvement for my future writings.  

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books, and why?
AlanTBlack: I am old school. I am one who has always enjoyed reading paper/hard back. To be honest there is something reassuring about picking up a book and reading it hand in hand. I understand the new frontier of eBooks, but having been raised with paper/hardback I admit it is difficult to come of age.  

What books and authors have most influenced you?
AlanTBlack: The author that I would say had the most impact on me was Alex Haley.  I was completely drawn to him and his works such as 'Roots' and of course his writing of the 'Autobiography of Malcolm X'.

What is your preferred method to have readers get in touch with or follow you?
AlanTBlack: I would prefer that my readers reach me on my Facebook page which is listed under the title of my book.  

Any additional comments you would like to add?
AlanTBlack: This has been a journey that has been life changing. It is resulting in me coming to a point of realization that it is essential that when the challenge of climbing a mountain lies before you, you don't focus on the mountain itself but instead place your focus on the necessary steps one by one that will result in you reaching that mountain top for your end goal.  

As is the case with each of us, I have experienced many twists and turns along the road of life. But each and every step along that road has led me to this point in life to humbly say that I am an author. But most of all, to be able to say that I am a Christian author to me is the most important thing of all.

To everything there is a time and season. Though I was unsure of what was in store for me, I am blessed to say that by just being obedient and trusting in the Lord, I am now able to say and show others that God will qualify you and lead you to accomplish what His charge is for you by just being a willing servant.  As this is a fact, what He has done through me, it was done so to give Him the glory.

For more information on Alan T. Black and his new book Here I Am Lord, visit his Facebook page or Amazon Store to order now.